• Social Activities •
In this hobby, a lot, if not the bulk of your time can and will be undertaken on your researching your persona, sowing your garb, getting together your camping gear, building or fixing your armor and the numerous other projects that help make your participation in the frequent social activities the hobby offers that much more enjoyable. These social activities, where we get together to learn, share and enjoy the fruits of our labor, are in many ways the reward for the work we have done. Some such activities, like meetings and practices are casual, come-as-you-are gatherings. Others, like Demo's and Events, are more elaborate, requiring, at the very least, an attempt at period clothing. The following broad descriptions should provide you with enough basic information about the various social activities we undertake to have a good idea of what each broadly entails.
You can (and should) attempt to attend local meeting whenever you are able. These gatherings are normally informal, garb is not worn, and no special invitation is required. They can be held for a number of reasons, any and all of which will likely prove beneficial to those who attend.
Business Meetings: Business meetings, normally held on a monthly bases, deal with the running of the local organization. This is where officers provide reports on what is going on and make decisions about what will be happening in the future. If you wish to stay in the loop about what is happening in locally, business meetings will go a long way in fulfilling that objective.
Planning Meetings: Planning meetings are gatherings for the purpose of organizing and preparing for upcoming activities. It is here that the nuts and bolts framework for upcoming event will be laid out. If you plan on actively participating or volunteering your time to help out during a group activity, you should attend the planning meetings to keep abreast of what is going on.
Workshops: Workshops are meetings that have a have a planned class or activity that you can participate in. These could be any aspect of the Arts & Sciences we practice. Some people bring projects they are already working on, others come to learn a new skill and some simply come to hang out and talk with friends. In some cases, you will need to let the person running the workshop know if you will be attending in case specific supplies are needed or if participation is limited in number for some reason.
Practices are exactly that; an opportunity to practice a particular skill. Many practices involve martial activities such as armored combat, archery or thrown weapons. Other practices may be centered on such historical skills as dancing and singing. You are welcome to join us at any practice we hold that interests you. Loaner equipment is almost always available to get you started and instruction will be provided. Our Practices page has more information about where and when we meet.
Another type common activity that members SCA members participate in is the DEMO (short for demonstration) where heavy weapons or rapier combat, dancing, or other period activities might be performed or displayed. These are normally performed for schools, outside interest groups (such as the scouts) or at other types of public gatherings as a means to educate the public about life in the Middle Ages, to recruit new members, to show off the crafts and skills that SCA participants have learned and to help promote the Society by answering questions about who we are and what we do.
Events are held almost every weekend of the year somewhere; some weekends there may be as many as a couple dozen events scattered around the SCA. Most groups hold at least one event per year; some larger groups will hold two or more. When many people think of the SCA, they tend to think of people in medieval clothing, fighters battling, feasts and dancing. This is actually a pretty good description of an SCA event, but they are also much more. At events there are often tournaments, art exhibits or competitions, classes on all manner of medieval skills, workshops, and, later in the evening, a medieval feast, Royal or Baronial Court, and music, dancing and bardic performances.
Everything else we do, like attending meetings, undertaking crafts, learning skill, practicing fighting and archery, etc. is in preparation for the events we attend. It is at events that we get to "be" our persona, wear our garb, show off our skills, feast like a king, gain recognition for our efforts, have fun and enjoy the company of our friends and likeminded strangers who share our interests. In fact, Events are, and should be, the high point of one's SCA experience.
There are many different kinds of events that cover the broad spectrum of interests found within the society. While the "flavor" may vary from place to place and season to season with differing specific activities, all events will be either Day Events or Camping Events:
Day Events: These are the most common type of event, with one probably occurring somewhere, most weekends of the year. While all such events may differ in scope and focus, all share some common traits. They will probably be held indoors, start in the morning and go till late evening. Activities throughout the day may include fighting, games, contests, arts and sciences exhibits, music, drama, dancing, archery, children's activities and more often than not, a feast.
Camping Events: Camping events will have most of the same activities as a Day Event, only over the course of more than one day. They will usually run from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning, with most of the activity being planned activities occurring Saturday, leaving Friday night and Sunday morning open. While we call these Camping Events, it does not mean all participants must camp. You could attend just one or more days of the event, driving to the site and leaving in the evening to return home or stay off site at a hotel or friends house (called "Day Tripping"). At Camping Events, all the normal activities can and likely will occur although there may or may not be a feast and even if there is a feat one of the days, you will be responsible for your own meals during the rest of the event.
When You consider the sheer number of events that are held, you would be correct in expecting that there would be several categories of events covering both Day and Camping events. Because the category of event being held will often determine what types of activities will be occurring, for planning purposes, you should be aware of what each category of event entails. While the following list is not exhaustive, the categories listed will broadly cover most event types:
Arts & Sciences Events: Various events occure that give individuals the opportunity to display their arts and science projects, gain recognition in various A&S competitions and to take classes in an eclectic spectrum of subjects including various aspects of Medieval History, and a wide variety of Medieval arts and sciences. These types of events provide an excellent opportunity for a newcomer to see the quality of work done by our craftsfolk and meet and talk with others who share your interests.
Feasts: "Feasts" are a chance for our Society members to celebrate together by holding a period dinner, often proceeded by other activities and followed by some form of entertainment such as music and dancing. Because many SCA members enjoy researching and preparing period menus, and cooking complete meals or courses, feasts provide a chance for them to practice and display their craft, and, in addition, it offers a chance for a candlelit meal in a Medieval style, complete with entertainment and revelry.
Revels & Bardic Circles: A Revel is a "party" where our members relax and enjoy themselves with song, dance, and merriment. Some Revels are "pot luck" and participants contribute food and beveridges to the collective party. "Bardic Circles" are a form of Revel where everyone is invited to participate and contribute music, song, stories, and poetry for the entertainmant of all. Both kinds of events are great places to meet others and gain new friends.
Tournaments: "Tourneys" are probably the most common form of SCA event you will attend. Essentially, a Tourney attempts to recreate the "Jousting Tournament" of yore, complete with armored fighters in one-on-one combat. Fighting takes place in an area bounded by ropes and stanchions (for safety), around which spectators and merchants erect pavilions in positions where the combat can be seen in comfort. Members come in garb and add to the effect of a "period" encampment. Tourneys start with an Opening Court where Royalty address their subjects, make awards to deserving members, and explain the event (and any special rules or competitions). Tourneys can be held for many reasons: to select a Baronial or Shire Champion; to celebrate the Anniversary of a Barony, Shire or Canton; to select the Queen's Champion; or just to have an opportunity to get together and enjoy a sunny day. These events are held outdoors in as picturesque a site as can be found, usually some form of community or county park. They end with a Closing Court (at which time the tourney winners are announced), and often a Revel held at a nearby home, hall, or church.
Wars: "Wars" are the major Social events throughout the known world. These larger events take place three or four times a year and may involve only one kingdom, or cross kingdom borders. Major 'Wars" include Pennsic war held in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, each summer and drawing around ten thousand participants from around the globe, the "Estrella War" in February in Arizona, which draws thousands of participants in the western United States and Canada, Gulf Wars in Lumberton Mississippi and Lilies War in Missouri. Wars generally last for three or more days (Pennsic is two weeks), and feature battles and skirmishes with massed troops (instead of individual combat), partying ("Reveling") and Bardic Circles every night, etc. You can count on merchants being present at wars, offering an entire spectrum of goods for your purchase.