Glenn Linn Shield

    THE SCA 

recent Cascadian



Glenn Linn shield
Glenn Linn shield

The Arts and Sciences (A&S) are all the crafts, skills, and technologies practiced in the time period and cultures that the SCA covers. At any event or demo, you can find people spinning yarn, weaving fabric or trim, embroidering garments, making jewelry, chain mail, or plate armor, or any one of a number of activities that might have been done by people prior to 1600 CE. Arts & Sciences provide the foundation for the SCA. Without them, we wouldn't know what to wear, what to eat, or how to fight. In fact, just about any activity that a person in our period would have done would be considered appropriate to learn about. It is through A&S we learn how people lived and how things were done.

The SCA offers many ways to learn a new skill or gain knowledge in a particular field. If you are interested in any particular Art or Science, or just wish to learn how something was done in the past, chances are there is someone in the SCA who can help you learn, or at least point you in the right direction. Some of the many things we study and teach are:

◊ Agriculture
◊ Archery
◊ Armoring
◊ Bardic recitation
◊ Basketry
◊ Book binding
◊ Bow making
◊ Brewing
◊ Calligraphy
◊ Candle making
◊ Cartography
◊ Cooking
◊ Costuming
◊ Dancing

◊ Drama
◊ Drawing
◊ Dyeing
◊ Embroidery
◊ Falconry
◊ Fighting
◊ Gaming
◊ Glass blowing
◊ Heraldry
◊ Herbalism
◊ Horn working
◊ Horsemanship
◊ Illumination
◊ Instrumental music

◊ Jewelry
◊ Juggling
◊ Lapidary
◊ Leather working
◊ Languages
◊ Masonry
◊ Medicine
◊ Merchanting
◊ Metal working
◊ Musical composition
◊ Musical instruments
◊ Needlework
◊ Newsletters
◊ Painting

◊ Paper making
◊ Pavilion making
◊ Period fencing
◊ Poetry
◊ Pottery
◊ Rug making
◊ Scribing
◊ Spinning
◊ Stained glass
◊ Tanning
◊ Tool making
◊ Vocal music
◊ Weapon making
◊ Wood Working

The Shire of Glenn Linn hosts A&S classes: TBD

Activities are often guided by those who indicate interest and will be scheduled based upon the needs of the instructors and participants. The time and location of upcoming classes will be posted on this page and on the Shire calendar.

All of the Arts and Sciences gatherings are non-garb activities (meaning you can wear your regular clothes. Any fees or tools / equipment required for a particular class will be noted in the class posting.

For a list of upcoming Arts & Sciences meetings, please visit the shire Calendar. To sign-up to teach an A&S meeting, please e-mail the Shire Minister of Arts & Sciences or Deputy of Shire Minister of Arts & Sciences. Be sure to include the desired date, your address and contact info.

Glenn Linn shield

Regular classes are held at: