• Our Officers •
Our Shire is empowered by a key group of volunteers who serve as our Officers and provide the vital services that allow us to function and keep having fun. Each officer is responsible for apointing their Deputy and may have more then one. If you are interested in holding a Shire office, please consider offering to be a deputy of the current office holder.
Please remember that officers, as volunteers, also have modern lives. Any attempt at contacting them after 9:00 p.m. my go unnoticed until the following day.
The chief administrative officer and the legal representative for the Shire, the Seneschal is responsible for coordinating the activities of the local group, handling the business side of the organization, coordinating the activities of the group's other officers and acting as a liaison between the modern world and the SCA. Direct any organizational or legal questions to the Seneschal.
Seneschal Lord Asgar Rolgson |
Deputy Unlord Hrotger the Goth |
The Exchequer serves as the financial officer for the Shire. Their duties involve keeping accurate records of transactions, maintaining the financial books, balancing the bank accounts and keeping the bill collectors happy. The Exchequer reports to the Seneschal and the Kingdom Exchequer. Per Corpora law, the Shire financial records are always open for review.
Exchequer Deonna |
Deputy VACANT |
The Shire Chatelaine is in charge of new member services and hospitality. They organize demonstrations, welcome new members, inform new members about the activities and customs of the societys and make sure that they are provided all the information necessary to fully participate with the Shire. The Chatelaine also maintains and makes available the Shire's loaner garb and feast gear.
Chatelaine Shea Seaghdha O Suilleabhain |
Deputy VACANT |
The Minister of Arts and Sciences encourages Shire members to research, teach, and practice historically accurate arts and crafts and provides resources and guidance to help them do so. They also arrange for classes on various subjects, find mentors and teachers for those seeking information on a new craft and organize A&S exhibitions and competitions for the Shire.
Minister Shea Seaghdha O Suilleabhain |
Deputy Runa Lowkey |
The voice of the Shire at court and events, the Herald is responsible for such matters as maintaining the protocols, precedence, and traditions of the shire, helping individuals research their names and heraldic devices in preparation for submission to the SCA College of Heralds, and making public announcements at Court, events, tournaments, feasts, and meetings as needed.
Herald Lord Asgar Rolgson |
Deputy VACANT |
The Ministers of Lists work with the Marshals administering the combat activities within the Shire. They organize the fighters in the list, arrange the format of combat, determine match-ups and keep score during tournaments. The MOL is also responsible for all the paperwork necessary to authorizations for marshaled activities and make sure that only authorized individuals enter tournaments and participate in non-practice marshaled activities that require authorization.
Minister VACANT |
Deputy VACANT |
The Shire Chronicler is responsible for documenting the history and activities of the Shire. They publish the Cascadian newsletter, maintain and update the mailing and phone list, and create any flyers or announcements needed by the Shire. The Chronicler is also responsible for ensuring that local events calendars are kept up to date and event information is published in a timely fashion.
Chronicler VACANT |
Deputy Unlord Hrotger the Goth |
The WebMinister in charge of maintaining the Shire Web Site and assuring compliance with all SCA guidelines that pertain to the internet presence of the Shire. To this end they are responsible for designing, building, maintaining and updating the Shire website, the online calendar, shire e-mail accounts and online contact forms along with moderating the Shire forums and Facebook Group.
Minister Runa Lowkey |
Deputy VACANT |
The Knight Marshal oversees all marshaled activities in the Shire and directly supervises our armored combat activities including the training of heavy-list fighters and running local fighter practices, fighting demonstrations and heavy combat at Shire events. They also enforce the rules and regulations of combat and the standards for the construction and use of armor and weapons. Finally, the Knight Marshal sees to the safety of heavy combat participants.
Marshal Unlord Hrotger the Goth |
Deputy VACANT |
The Grand Poobah is the Shire officer in charge of all archery activities. They provide training in the use of archery equipment, supervise target archery at local practices and group events, enforce the rules and regulations pertaining to target archery along with the guidelines for the construction and use archery equipment. Finally, they ensure the safety of target archery activities.
Grand Boobah Lord Tomas an Bhogha O Neill |
Deputy VACANT |
The Grand Poobah of Youth Combat has similar responsibilities to the Grand Poobah of Heavy Combat but is responsible for Youth combat. They train youth fighters, supervise youth combat at local practices and group events, enforce the rules and regulations of Youth combat and the guidelines for construction and use of youth combat equipment. Finally, they ensure that Youth Combat is practiced in a safe manner.
Grand Poobah Unlord Hrotger the Goth |
Deputy VACANT |
The Grand Poobah of thrown weapons has similar responsibilities to the Grand Poobah of Heavy Combat. They provide training in the use of thrown weapons, supervise thrown weapons at local practices and group events, enforce the rules and regulations pertaining to thrown weapons along with the guidelines for their construction and use. Finally, they ensure the safety of thrown weapon activities.
Grand Poobah Unlord Hrotger the Goth |
Deputy VACANT |
Similar to other Marshals, the Grand Poobah of Fencing is authorized to oversee both fencing and cut & Thrust combat, provide authorization for individuals in those activities, inspect weapons and equipment and is primarily esponsible for promoting both safety and authenticity of fencing within the group.
Grand Poobah VACANT |
Deputy VACANT |
The Grand Poobah of Combat Archery fills a roll similar to other Marshals. They oversee the conduct of Combat Archery and provide training to Combat Archers, provide authorization for those activities, inspect Combat Archery weapons, armor and equipment and is responsible for promoting both the safety and qyality of combat archery within the group.
Grand Poobah VACANT |
Deputy VACANT |
The Grand Poobah of Siege is responsible for ensuring the safe practice of siege combat. They train and authorize siege weapon crew members and enforce the rules and regulations of siege combat and the standards for the construction and use of siege weapons and ammunition.
Grand Poobah VACANT |
Deputy VACANT |
Similar to other Marshals, the Grand Poobah of Horse is authorized to oversee the conduct of equestrian activities, judge an equestrian's authorization, inspect weapons and equipment and is primarily responsible for promoting both safety and authenticity of equine use within the group.
Grand Poobah VACANT |
Deputy VACANT |